Zombo Coffee est une entreprise de café de spécialité qui travaille avec de petits agriculteurs en Ouganda. Leur maison est sur les rives du Nil et borde la République Démocratique du Congo.
Notre ambition avec Zombo Coffee Partners est de faire de la région du Nil occidental une origine de café de renommée mondiale.
Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage !
About Agrotur
Despite its rich natural resources and 50 years of independence, Mozambique faces the challenge of widespread poverty within its population.
Seeing many projects fail to make a real difference for small farmers, Francisco and Nicolas Mandlate, a journalist and banker respectively, decided it was time to take action to help local farmers increase their incomes through agriculture.
Over the next few years, the Agrotur team grew their connections to local farmers, distributing coffee seedlings while also offering training and support for cultivation and harvest.
Agrotur facts and figures
Chimanimani, Caricanhi
Farming Altitude
700 - 1500 m.a.s.l
Francisco & Nicolas Mandlate
Over 400
Catimor 129, Catimor 128, Catucai 785
Coffee produced
Average 90 tons per year
Regenerative farming
Under Portuguese colonial rule, Mozambique's lands were heavily used for intensive potato farming and livestock rearing, leaving the soil exhausted and struggling to recover.
During the 2022/2023 seasons, Agrotur embarked on an experimental project to revive a 30-hectare area that had been barren for the past 45 years, a place where not even grass could grow. Fast forward to 2024, and that once desolate area is now transforming into a vibrant forest home to coffee trees, native plants, and food crops, breathing new life into the land.
Inspired by Agrotur's success, small producers are now taking up the mantle, planting their crops in areas that have been stripped of their natural resources. This project is a testament to the resilience of nature and the power of sustainable agriculture to heal and rejuvenate the earth.