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Rwamatamu Coffee 

Rwamatamu Coffee is a family-owned coffee plantation and washing station in Kiyube, within the Western Province of Rwanda.

Rwamatamu was founded in 2015 by husband and wife Rutaganda Gaston and Mukantwaza Laetitia in order to combat the poverty they saw in their local communities by creating jobs in harvesting and processing coffee.


About Rwamatamu Coffee

In 2015 Gaston and Laetitia began cultivating coffee in an effort to make a positive impact on their local community while also providing for their family. The venture was successful, and as the farm grew in size and profit, so did their passion for growing incredible coffee. 

This is the environment that their daughter, Marie Bernice, was raised in, so it’s no surprise that she'll be taking over operations as her parents retire. Bernice and her husband Luke are eager to build on the already strong foundation of Rwamatamu by expanding upon its core values of community, integrity, and sustainability.


Rwamatamu facts and figures


Kibuye, Western Province





Farming Altitude

1600 - 2000 m.a.s.l

Processing Methods

Washed, Natural, Honey-Processed


8 permanent staff


Red Bourbon 

Drying Method

Sun dried

Soil Type

Sand, Clay, Volcanic

Screen Size


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Rwamatamu's Passion

Rutaganda Gaston realised many years ago that sustaining a business relies on good relationships. These days, the whole Rwamatamu Valley community adores and supports him, because all his transactions embody mutual respect, and a fierce passion.

This passion is something Gaston has passed on to his daughter, Marie Bernice, who has supported her family’s work by translating negotiations, creating educational materials, and managing marketing. On top of all this, she moved to the UK to earn a degree in project management that has given her even more insight into the industry.

The cornerstone of Rwamatamu is family working together. It’s what bridges the gap between Gaston and Laeticia, and Bernice and Luke; partners working together to provide for their family and the community they love.

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